TMJ Disorder Treatment Specialist Odessa / Lutz, FL


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The temporomandibular joint, also known as TMJ, is the sliding hinge the connects your jaws to the skull. TMJ disorder can cause a lot of pain in your jaws and its adjoining muscles. If you are facing similar issues, then contact us at Bliss Dental Lounge. There can be many reasons for TMJ disorders like arthritis, genetics, jaw injury, etc.

TMJ combines a hinge action with sliding motions. There are many causes behind TMJ disorders, like in case the disk erodes and moves away from its original position. Or if the cartilage of the joint is damaged by arthritis / external bow. Whatever be the cause, it results in TMJ disorder and it needs to be treated on time so that no further complications arise.

What are the symptoms of TMJ disorder?

Some symptoms of TMJ disorder will include:

  • Pain and tenderness in your jaws or TMJ
  • Pain around the ear area
  • Difficulty in opening wide
  • Popping and clicking sound
  • Jaw getting locked, as a result you are unable to open or close your mouth

If you are facing any of the above conditions, then contact us at Bliss Dental Lounge. We offer a wide range of services to help you with all of your dental needs. Find relief from jaw pain and discomfort with effective TMJ treatments from a trusted Dentist Lutz.

To schedule your appointment with Bliss Dental Lounge,

please call our dental office at 8139956178.
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