If you are looking for an option to replace your missing teeth, then mini implants can be a great choice. This one comes without any invasive surgery and has been availed by many people around the world. If you are looking out for the best dental clinic where you can get mini-implants, then visit us at Bliss Dental. Here, Dr. Sheetal will assist you to get on your mini-implants with her 15 years of experience. Our clinics are located in Odessa, FL, and Lutz, FL.
Mini-implants come with the same structure as that of the mini-implants, but they are slightly smaller in size. They are capable of supporting all types of replacement teeth. It can also secure a low arch and loose dentures. The mini-implants are made up of a titanium post with a ball at the end. It also has a socket that consists of a rubber O-ring which helps in attaching the teeth to the post. For a stable, natural-looking smile, explore mini implants with our knowledgeable Dentist Lutz.
If you are looking for mini implants in Odessa, Florida, please call our dental office at (813)-995-6178 to schedule your dental appointment.
There are many benefits when you decide to avail for the mini-implants:
If you have missing teeth and want to undergo the mini-implant treatment, then contact us at Bliss Dental Lounge. We have many other options to help you with your dental problems.